Journal of Entrepreneur and Business <p>Journal of Entrepreneur and Business with P-ISSN: <a href="">2986-9781</a> and E-ISSN : : <a href="">2986-5557</a> published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), Universitas Respati Indonesia, Jakarta, it is published twice a year, namely in February and August.</p> LPPM Universitas Respati Indonesia en-US Journal of Entrepreneur and Business 2986-5557 The Effect of Financial Capital, Labor and Social Capital on The Income of Culinary Smes in Jagakarsa District <p>MSMEs need encouragement from all parties in Indonesia to develop into an economic power in society. One type of UMKM is the culinary industry which represents Indonesian culture regarding variations in taste and people's tastes for authentic food from various regions. During the Covid-19 pandemic, culinary MSMEs in Jagakarsa District, South Jakarta, experienced a decrease in income. This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the effect of financial capital, labor, and social capital on the income of culinary MSMEs in Jagakarsa District.This research is an analytical survey with a quantitative approach, using a sample of 84 SMEs taken from the population using an accidental technique. The research instrument uses a questionnaire constructed by researchers based on variable indicators. Data analysis using multiple linear regression was carried out with software applications on computer devices. The results showed that financial capital, labor, and social capital had an independent effect on the income of MSME actors, with figures of 0.394, 0.792, and 0.234. Financial capital, labor, and social capital have also proven to have a joint effect in increasing the income of culinary MSMEs in Jagakarsa.The conclusion that can be conveyed is that MSMEs need stimulus from various parties, especially from the government and stakeholders to develop. Stimulus can be in the form of policies, capital, and training for human resources to behave hygienically because the food industry is related to health problems.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>taste, taste, presentation, typical Indonesian food</p> Rukijati Widjianingsih Rukijati Widjianingsih Bachtar Bakri Bachtar Bakri Ign.A.Wirawan Nugrohadi Ign.A.Wirawan Nugrohadi Tri Suratmi Tri Suratmi Copyright (c) 2023 2022-08-31 2022-08-31 1 1 1 13 10.52643/joeb.v1i1.14 Analysis of The Effect Of Sharia Financial Technology (Fintech) on Increasing Literacy and Inclusion of Sharia Financial Inclusion of Msmes in Dki Jakarta <p>The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of Islamic fintech Digital Payment System services on increasing MSME Islamic financial literacy and inclusion in DKI Jakarta. This research method is quantitative research with smartPLS analysis tool. The population in this study is MSMEs in DKI Jakarta. Sampling technique using purposive sampling technique, which amounted to 100 samples of MSMEs. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. The results showed that the Digital Payment System variable had a t-statistic effect on Financial Literacy of 4.174. The Digital Payment System variable has a t-statistical effect on Financial Inclusion of 4,345. The Digital Payment System variable has a t-statistical effect on Financial Inclusion through Financial Literacy of 2.075. Financial Literacy variable has a t-statistic effect on Financial Inclusion of 3,103. The conclusion of this study is that the fintech digital payment system has a positive and significant effect on MSME sharia financial literacy and inclusion in DKI Jakarta, both direct, indirect and total effects. Suggestions for financial institutions are expected to improve Islamic Fintech financial services. MSMEs are expected to improve their capabilities and skills in digitizing financial services. For further researchers, other research can be carried out with a wider scope of research objects and variables. Suggestions for financial institutions are expected to improve Islamic Fintech financial services. MSMEs are expected to improve their capabilities and skills in digitizing financial services. For further researchers, other research can be carried out with a wider scope of research objects and variables. Suggestions for financial institutions are expected to improve Islamic Fintech financial services. MSMEs are expected to improve their capabilities and skills in digitizing financial services. For further researchers, other research can be carried out with a wider scope of research objects and variables.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Financial Technology, Digital Payment System, Islamic Financial Literacy, Islamic Financial Inclusion</p> Widiawati Widiawati Ani Nuraini Ani Nuraini Arif Haryana Arif Haryana Copyright (c) 2023 2023-02-10 2023-02-10 1 1 14 24 10.52643/joeb.v1i1.22 Effect of Use of Productive Zakat, Work Ethos and Mustahiq Empowerment on The Growth of Mustahiq Micro Business in DKI Jakarta <p>The Baitul Maal Bank Rakyat Indonesia Foundation (YBM BRI) was established in 2001 and was inaugurated as an Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ) in 2002. LAZ YBM BRI is a Philanthropic Institution that manages Zakat, Infaq, Alms and Endowments Funds which are carried out in a professional manner. YBM BRI is committed to improving the quality of life and vertical mobility of poor families through a series of economic empowerment programs.LAZ YBM BRI provides micro business capital assistance from zakat funds to mustahiq. This study intends to determine the effect of utilization of productive zakat, work ethic and mustahiq empowerment on the growth of mustahiq micro enterprises. The method in this study used quantitative methods, data were collected by filling out questionnaires using a sampling technique by 100 respondents. The data analyst used in this research is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. From calculations using SPSS, this study resulted in the following conclusions. First, that the variable utilization of productive zakat influences the growth of micro-enterprises in Jakarta. Second, that the mustahiq work ethic variable has no effect on the growth of mustahiq micro businesses in Jakarta. Third, that mustahiq empowerment affects the growth of mustahiq micro businesses in Jakarta. Fourth, the utilization of zakat, mustahiq work ethic and mustahiq empowerment simultaneously influence the growth of mustahiq micro businesses in Jakarta.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Micro business growth, Utilization of productive zakat, work ethic, empowerment of mustahiq</em></p> Hendriyanto Hendriyanto Mariati Tamba Mariati Tamba Tri Suratmi Tri Suratmi Copyright (c) 2022 2022-08-31 2022-08-31 1 1 25 32 10.52643/joeb.v1i1.11 The Influence of Various Strategic Orientation Dimensions on Micro Business Performance in Depok City <p>Micro Enterprises are the largest in number (98.68%) and also contribute large employment, namely 89.04%. However, its contribution to GDP is still small, namely only 37.77%. Therefore, in order for the contribution to increase, the performance of micro-enterprises must be improved. The research objective was to analyze the effect of various Strategic Orientation Dimensions on the performance of micro-enterprises in Depok City. This research is a quantitative research, survey method with a causality design. The data used is primary data through filling out questionnaires from 300 micro businesses in the city of Depok. The research design used in this study is a hypothesis test (Testing Hypothesis) using AMOS and SPSS programming. The results showed that all the hypotheses tested gave positive results. Market Orientation, Entrepreneurship Orientation, Technology Orientation and Learning Orientation, partially or simultaneously affect the performance of micro businesses. The conclusion of this study is that strategic orientation has a positive effect on micro businesses. Suggestions from this study are that micro-entrepreneurs run their businesses in accordance with a strategic orientation and the government supports micro-enterprises by conducting coaching based on strategic orientation.</p> <p>Keywords:orientation, strategic, market, entrepreneurship, technology, learning, performance, micro business</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ridwan Mahmudi Ridwan Mahmudi Mariati Tamba Mariati Tamba Tri Suratmi Tri Suratmi Copyright (c) 2022 2022-08-31 2022-08-31 1 1 33 40 10.52643/joeb.v1i1.12 The Influence of Service Quality, Image and Trust on Customer Satisfaction on Primary Police Cooperation (Primkopol) Mitra Maju Jaya Polda Metro Jaya <p>This study aims to determine (1) the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction, (2) the effect of image on customer satisfaction, (3) the effect of customer trust on customer satisfaction, (4) the effect of service quality, image and trust on customer satisfaction. The population of this research is all members of the Mitra Maju Jaya cooperative. By using a random sampling technique, the minimum sample size is determined by 100 people, which is calculated using the Slovin formula. Research data were collected by distributing questionnaires to respondents, then processed with the help of the SPSS program. The results of this study indicate that (1) service quality has a positive and significant effect on cooperative customer satisfaction, (2) image has a negative and significant effect on cooperative customer satisfaction, (3) trust has a positive and significant effect on cooperative customer satisfaction, (4) service quality , image and trust have a significant effect on cooperative customer satisfaction.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Service Quality, Image, Trust, Satisfaction, Cooperativ</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Palti Raja Sinaga Palti Raja Sinaga Ani Nuraini Ani Nuraini Nurminingsih Nurminingsih Mariati Tamba Mariati Tamba Copyright (c) 2022 2022-08-31 2022-08-31 1 1 41 46 10.52643/joeb.v1i1.13 The Effect of Work Stress and Compensation on Turnover Intention Mediated by Organizational Commitment to Employees of PT Wahana Semesta Banten <p>This study aims to prove the effect of work stress and compensation on turnover intention mediated by organizational commitment. The high turnover rate during the COVID-19 pandemic made researchers interested in conducting research at PT Wahana Semesta Banten (Radar Banten), Serang City. The sample of this study amounted to 53 employees, with the sampling technique using quota sampling. The data analysis technique in this study uses Structural Equational Modeling (SEM) with the path analysis method using the SmartPLS application. The results showed that job stress had an effect on turnover intention. Job stress has no effect on organizational commitment. Job stress has no effect on turnover intention through organizational commitment. Compensation has no effect on turnover intention. Compensation affects organizational commitment. Compensation has no effect on turnover intention through organizational commitment. In conclusion, work stress causes turnover intention in Radar Banten. Organizational commitment also cannot mediate work stress and compensation on turnover intention. Good organizational commitment will avoid turnover intention. Therefore, companies need to create work programs that can reduce work stress levels and maintain employee organizational commitment<em>.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords : </em></strong>Job Stress, Compensation, Organizational Commitment, Turnover</p> Bayu Pramono Bayu Pramono Mariati Tamba Mariati Tamba Ani Nuraini Ani Nuraini Copyright (c) 2023 2022-08-31 2022-08-31 1 1 47 55 10.52643/joeb.v1i1.16 Analysis of Various Marketing Strategies for Wedding Organizer PT. Pratoza Kreasi Nusantara To Increase Consumer Purchase Interest <p>Pratoza Kreasi Nusantara is engaged in services, one of which is the Wedding Organizer "Promise Marriage", which serves every consumer who wants to hold a traditional or non-traditional wedding ceremony. This study aims to analyze various strategies in increasing consumer buying interest. Data were collected through filling out questionnaires using a purposive sampling technique with a population of 222 people as respondents. Analysis of the data used in this study is SEM-PLS (Partial Least Square). The results of this study indicate that several of the hypotheses tested gave positive and negative results, positive hypotheses were found in the Word of Mouth, Facilities and Services variables. While the results of the negative hypothesis are found in the price variable, partially there are hypotheses that have an effect and some have no effect on Buying Interest The conclusion of this study is that the various strategies carried out have a positive effect and some have a negative effect on buying interest. Suggestions from this research that Wedding Organizer PT. Pratoza Kreasi Nusantara " Janji Nikah" pays more attention to the price of the wedding package so that it can be more balanced. So that customers get a price that suits their budget. This can be done by stabilizing the quality of wedding packages, such as making packages ranging from middle to high and middle to lower packages.</p> <p><strong>Key Word</strong> : Word of Mouth, Facility, price, service, buying interest.</p> <h1>&nbsp;</h1> Wardi Saputra Wardi Saputra Tri Suratmi Tri Suratmi Maryati Tamba Maryati Tamba Copyright (c) 2023 2022-08-31 2022-08-31 1 1 56 65 10.52643/joeb.v1i1.17 The Effect of Brand Awareness, Customer Engagement and Marketing Channel on Purchase Interest in Wedding Organizer Promises <p>Janji Nikah Wedding Organizer is a wedding organizer, which serves consumers who want to hold traditional and non-traditional wedding ceremonies. This study aims to determine the effect on the variables of brand awareness, customer engagement and marketing channels for buying interest. This research is an analytical survey with a quantitative approach, cross-sectional design. The data were collected through filling out a questionnaire using a total sampling technique, a population of 120 people as respondents. Analysis of the data used in this study is SEM-PLS (Partial Least Square). The results of this study indicate that several of the tested hypotheses gave positive and negative results, positive hypotheses were found in the customer engagement variable and marketing channels. While the results of the negative hypothesis are found in the brand awareness variable, partially this hypothesis has an effect and some does not affect Purchase Interest. The conclusion of this study is that each variable has its own influence, there is a negative and positive influence. Suggestions from this research on the Promise of Marriage Wedding Organizer, Brand awareness is not the only thing that can increase buying interest, but awareness of a brand also remains important to build trust in a brand, the company is expected to pay more attention to input and suggestions from consumers so that they are better known by the general public and increase buying interest.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Purchase intention, brand awareness, customer engagement, marketing channels.</p> Kiki Prasetya Kiki Prasetya Nurmingsih Nurmingsih Bachtar Bakrie Bachtar Bakrie Copyright (c) 2023 2022-08-31 2022-08-31 1 1 66 74 10.52643/joeb.v1i1.19 Analysis of Factors Influencing Decision Making of Automotive Services at Cimobil Workshop, Jatiranggon Bekasi <p>This study aims to determine: a. Is there an effect of the product on purchasing decisions at the CIMobil Jatiranggon Bekasi workshop?b. Is there an effect of location on customer purchasing decisions at CIMobil Jatiranggon Bekasi workshops? c. Is there an effect of price on customer purchasing decisions at CIMobil Jatiranggon Bekasi workshops? d. Is there an effect of Promotion on Customer Purchase Decisions at CIMobil Jatiranggon Bekasi workshops?. This research is a survey research. The population in this study were workshop customers who lived in the area around the location, namely Metro (Bekasi) and DKI Jakarta, totaling 250 people. The sampling technique used purposive sampling method with Slovin calculations of 154 respondents. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. The research analysis used SEM-PLS. The test results showed that the results of the validity and reliability tests of the instrument were stated to be valid and reliable. Loading factor shows a value above 0.5. which concluded that the instrument was valid and met convergent validity. Another illustration is shown in the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) test value above 0.5 for all constructs contained in the research model. the reliability test of Cronbach's Alpha value for all constructs was above 0.6. The results of the hypothesis test showed that the two variables studied, namely product and price variables, did not have a significant effect so the hypothesis was rejected. Meanwhile, two other variables, namely location and promotion variables, proved to have a significant relationship and the hypothesis was accepted. The R Square test results yielded a value of 0.749 meaning that all the variables studied had an influence of 74.9% on Purchase Decisions and the rest were influenced by other factors Meanwhile, two other variables, namely location and promotion variables, proved to have a significant relationship and the hypothesis was accepted. The R Square test results yielded a value of 0.749 meaning that all the variables studied had an influence of 74.9% on Purchase Decisions and the rest were influenced by other factors Meanwhile, two other variables, namely location and promotion variables, proved to have a significant relationship and the hypothesis was accepted. The R Square test results yielded a value of 0.749 meaning that all the variables studied had an influence of 74.9% on Purchase Decisions and the rest were influenced by other factors</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Product, Location, Price, Promotion, Decision Making</p> Wulan Sari Wulan Sari Tina Rosa Tina Rosa Bachtar Bakrie Bachtar Bakrie Copyright (c) 2023 2022-08-31 2022-08-31 1 1 75 84 10.52643/joeb.v1i1.20 The Influence of Price and Ease of Access to Decisions Purchase of Shallot Commodities by Traders in the Market New Jati Asih, Bekasi <p>Shallots are one of the vegetable commodities that are consumed by the community regularly as a daily necessity. Shallot commodity prices in the market tend to fluctuate, because the production process is influenced by the season. This research was conducted with the aim of studying the effect of price and ease of access on the purchasing decisions of shallots by traders at Pasar Baru Jati Asih Bekasi. This research is a survey with a quantitative approach, using a sample of 200 traders which is a purposive sample, taken as a quota from the population, namely all vegetable traders in Pasar Baru Jati Asih Bekasi. Data was collected by questionnaire, using data analysis<em>Structural Equation Modelling</em>(SEM). The results showed that price had a positive and significant effect on ease of access, ease of access had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions for shallots, while price did not have a significant effect on purchasing decisions even though it had a positive effect.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: price, access, buying decision</p> Alexander Wahyu Adi Alexander Wahyu Adi Bachtar Bakrie Bachtar Bakrie Eko Sembodo Eko Sembodo Copyright (c) 2023 2022-08-31 2022-08-31 1 1 85 94 10.52643/joeb.v1i1.15