Author Guidelines

The Entrepreneurship Journal accepts original scientific writings (articles, reviews, case study reports, book reviews, or matters related to the entrepreneurship science family. The articles have not been published or are in the process of being submitted for publication in another journal or magazine.

Articles that have been sent to journals will be reviewed regarding the technical writing and substance of the articles by a minimum of 2 (two) reviewers.

Article authors must ensure that the submitted manuscript is their own work and is free of plagiarism. All manuscripts to be published will be checked for similarity using anti-plagiarism software.

1. Systematic Writing
a. Initial part: title (maximum 20 words; 14 pt), author's name (without title), origin of institution/institution, email, abstract (written in Indonesian and/or English. Abstract is prepared with a word count of no more than 250 words using typeface Calibri size 11 pt single spaced.On the abstract page, include keywords (minimum 3 words and maximum 9 words).
b. Main part: contains introduction, literature review and hypothesis development (if any), research methods/methods, research results and discussion, and conclusions and suggestions.
c. Final part: acknowledgments, symbol description (if any), and bibliography

2. Layout
Manuscripts are written on A4 paper with the following margin format:
a. Top margin 2.5 cm
b. Bottom margin 2.0 cm
c. Left margin 2.5 cm
d. Right margin 2.0 cm
Each manuscript is a maximum of 17 pages (including tables, figures and reference lists) with single spacing, typeface Calibri, size 11 pt.

b. Language, Units, and Symbols
Manuscripts are written in standard Indonesian, straightforward and clear. The use of units and symbols refers to the rules of National Standards and International Units (SI).

Equation Writing
Equations or formulas are written using equestion software and numbered, for example:
Ω = 2 πr ……………………………. (1)
The writing of equations in the text is stated by Equation. (1).

Figures and Tables
Figures and Tables are printed in black and white. Writing pictures and tables like the example below.
Figure 1. Figure description (bottom center) and Table 1. Table description (top center). In the text written Fig. 1. and Table 1.

3. Reference List
The list of references is written in the order indicated in the text using the Vancouver System (numbers in square brackets). The reference contains the initials and name of the author (anonymous), name of the journal or book name, volume, editor, publisher, city, year and page.

Reference List Example:
Papers in Journals
[1] E. Yusron. Journal of Science Makara 10, (2006) 41.
[2] G. Smith. Thin Solid Films (to be published).
Electronic Publications, Internet Information
[3] S. Auzary, K.F. Badawi, L. Bimbult. Phys. Rev. Lett. 68 (2008) 2912. Hep-th/9112009.
[4] L. Weiss. Instruction to Authors, Elsevier Publishing, 1999.

Conference Proceedings Publication
[5] C.H. Perry, F. Lu, F. Namavar, N.M. Kalkhoran. Materials Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 256 (2005) 132.
[6] J.J. Favier, D. Camel. Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Crystal Growth, York, U.K., 2006, p.58.

Monograph, Edited book
[7] D. Falix [Ed.]. Handbook of Optical Constants of Solid II,3rd Ed., Academic Press, New York, 1991, p.253.
[8] S.M. Sze. The Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Wiley, New York, 1981, p. 345.

Thesis, Thesis, Dissertation
[9] R. Ramos. Ph. D. Thesis, College van Dekanen, University of Twente, Netherland, 1991.
[10] S. Badu. Undergraduate Thesis, Department of Chemistry FMIPA, University of Indonesia, 2008.

H. Yamagushi, A. Hiroe, H. Nishio. Japan Patent No. 5264701, Nov. 23, 1993.

Industry Report Paper
[11] R.D. Nicholson. International Structures in Nickel-based Transitions Joints After Long Term Service, Report RD/M/N1131, Central Electricity Generating Board, Marckwood, 2005.
[12] J. Cleveland. Spring Constant Update, Digital Instrument, Santa Barbara, 1987. [Website address can be added in Italic]

Custom Data [If author of a team or synonym]
[13] Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards, Powder Diffraction File, ASTM, Philadelphia, 1967, Card 4301027.
[14] Anonymous. 19th Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 17, ASTM Philadelphia, 1969, p. 457.

Unpublished results (referenced if absolutely necessary)
[15] D.H. Smith. Physics Department, Chicago University, Chicago, U.S.A., Private Commun, 1966.
[16] R. Stumpf, X. Gonze. Fritz-Haber Institute Research Report, 2006, Unpublished.

4. How to Submit Manuscripts
Manuscripts sent to the address:
Editorial Board of Indonesian Respati Entrepreneurship Journal (URINDO)
Jl. Bambu Apus I No. 3 Cipayung, East Jakarta.

Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Registration and Submit online:
C.p: 08122504356; 089691155082